Community Events

FSG Smart Buildings Costume Contest


Did you know that the origin of Halloween began centuries ago and is an English word that comes from “All Hallows’ Eve,” the evening before the Christian holy days of All Halls’ Day (All Saint’s Day)? Modern-day Halloween or “Trick-or-treating,” although steeped in a long tradition and ancient practices, wasn’t common in North America until the 19th century.

There are huge annual events such as the New York Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, Trunk-or-treat socials in Darien, Illinois, and massive Thriller zombie walks like the one in Austin, Texas. However, there is also the annual FSG Smart Buildings Costume Contest.

Although this contest is less notable than other events, it carries as much anticipation and excitement as Christmas to many Smart Buildings employees. 2022 was one for the books, as employees dressed as their favorite characters from movies, TV, and their imaginations. 

You can have fun at work, and our employees at FSG Smart Buildings sure know how to fill a day full of laughs and entertainment. Thank you to everyone that participated in this year’s contest, and congratulations to this year’s winners.

You made it a spooky good time, and we cannot wait until next year!